Steve Smith – The New York Times

“For Michelle Areyzaga, a soprano fluent in Spanish, Mr. Blier programmed Jesús Guridi’s tender “Mañanita de San Juan” (“Very Early on the Morning of St. John’s Day”) and Joaquín Turina’s stormy, melodramatic “Olas Gigantes” (“Giant Waves”).”

“Ms. Areyzaga gave her most alluring performance in “La Barcheta” (“The Little Boat”), a rapturously amorous confection by Reynaldo Hahn. She and Ms. Cooke harmonized sweetly in “Havanaise,” a Pauline Viardot duet that started out warm and breathy, and became more intricate and demanding with each repeat.”

—Steve Smith – The New York Times, May 21, 2009 (Recital with the New York Festival of Song)